You're An Angel You Little Devil...

10:12 p.m.

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Letter to my friend Betsy sent just a moment ago.

Hey dude
FER SURE if you came to Chicago at any point we would get dinner. Without question. We may even use a Groupon.

Chirp will not any time soon become a paid gig, I cannot foresee. AT this point it only really makes enough money to , like, exist and pay for itself, and wouldn't be something that would make enough money to pay a staff anything. But it's still really fun to do and even just being part of it is cool. There's like some status bullshit which is probably phallic and first world but is also gratifying.

Oh whatevenelse. This week I am cat sitting for Sean's cat Morris. He's a doll. Except when he climbs on my shit Like he is doing right now.

He is bossy and needs attention.

In any case.

I was seeing a girl for a while but that ended, now I am talking to all these girls on OKCupid because I am a character in a sitcom.-

I don't have much more updates. Working at Groupon is fun and also kind of a drag because customers are just the worst people. Like I don't understand how the economy survives when the people we are all relying on are people who buy shit. Fuck those people. JK I wouldn't have a job and also I am one. LOL BBQ. No seriously though, customer service sucks as a thing, but I work with people who get my jokes and I make enough money to live in a neighborhood i like and buy shit and go to movies and eat and like not worry about money basically. I really hope that continues for a long time.

This cat is rubbing the shit out of my beard with his whole face

Furthermore I am starting to get a reputation for being , like, good at my job. Like I have a reputation for solving the most email tickets a day. Cuz I tend to not be on facebook and netflix at work which is aloud, but also a huge distraction. and but anyway. I am like good at my job.

What about you? How is work going? What is going on? Did you transfer to Tony's paper or stay at yours? Or what the F even. Oh wait, based on the above email it sounds liek yes you do work in the same newsroom as him. How is that? Is it like The Office? Jim and Pam?

I have not read the Hunger Games but the movie looks like it will be OK.

Right now I am reading Jeffrey Eugenides The marriage Plot. It is kind of good but not as good as Middlesex. I am less invested. But whatev.

Tonight I stumbled into a reading put on by this author whose book was about a plague that affects adult when they hear the sound of a child's voice. Like the sound of children makes adults physically ill. It was kind of wickedly funny and I ended up buying it afterward and getting the guy's autograph. i twas jsut funny ebcasue i never heard of the dude before so there wa s no cause to be like nervous about meeting
him. it was sort of funny/weird. but it made me want to write more than i do and read more than i do.

Then my friend Amy and I had a frank discussion about gentrification.

I get so much joy out of squirting this cat with this spray bottle.

Have you seen Downton Abby? It may be your speed.

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